8 Easy ways to make your home eco-friendly

If your resolution this year is to go more greener, then you are in the right place, here in this article we have listed 8 easy ways to make your home more eco-friendly with the most minimal amount of effort.
It is great news that more people across the world are becoming more nature friendly. You will soon learn that being more environmentally conscious will not only help our environment but will even save you money. Try these 8 eco-friendly tips for a more environmental friendly lifestyle.
- Use energy efficient lightning
Most of us know that LEDs are better for our environment than incandescent bulbs, but did you know that they can lower your electricity bill and last for more than 10 years? Although they might be slightly more expensive than traditional light bulbs, they will sure save you a lot of money in the long run and are better for our environment.
- Grow plants indoor
Live plants around your home will act as natural air filters, some plants even absorb harmful pollutants emitted from furniture, carpets and electronic devices. Plants will generally help improve air quality, reduce carbon dioxide in the air and even lower background noise. So try to grow a clean indoor living space by growing plants indoor in your house.
- Rethink wood furniture
Though it’s easy and common to grab a mass-produced table from a furniture store, the environmental impact can be severe as wooden furniture contribute to a major part of deforestation. Instead, try looking for eco-friendly furniture which will help conserve limited natural resources. It is also advised to use wooden furniture made locally as it will waste less energy and fuel when shipping the furniture.
- Install solar panels
If you live in a villa in Dubai, and your home gets a good amount of sunlight daily, consider a rooftop solar panel. A modern rooftop solar panel can provide you with complete clean electricity and are arguably cheaper than your monthly electricity bill. Solar panels are certainly a long-term investment that will eventually pay off and it is an opportunity to go eco-friendly.
- Cut back on paper towels
We generally use a lot of kitchen paper towels in our daily life, a simple change of replacing these paper towels with a reusable cloth napkin could do our environment good in the long run. It might be more convenient to use a paper towel, but remember it will not help forests from being destroyed.
- Use low energy appliances
Next time you are upgrading your electrical appliances, consider looking for energy efficient appliances for a sustainable house. Some electrical appliances like washing machines and refrigerators are known for their energy consumption, but thanks to advanced technologies, modern appliances are made to use the minimal amount of energy, consider checking those numbers when you go shopping for appliances next time.
- Switch off all devices when not in use
Switching off all the devices and appliances when not in use is not just an environmentally friendly tip, but also a precaution to avoid any disastrous incident. This could be done by learning to do some habits like turning off the light when you are leaving the house or switching of the charger after using it. Basically, learn to unplug from all devices when you are not using them to build an eco-friendly house.
- Embrace natural cleaning products
Some of the chemicals in the cleaning products we use every day are bad for our environment. But the good news is that you can always use natural products like vinegar, critic acid and soda instead of harmful cleaning products. Consider using these natural substitutes and others you are aware of to better help our environment.
Saving our environment lies in our own hands and is our collective responsibility and these small tips above if implemented can go a long way ensuring an ever green bright future for our kids. Hope this article was helpful, let us know in the comment section below if you have any environmental friendly tip that can be added to this list.